Arlington Neighborhood Commercial Revitalization Program
Methuen, Massachusetts


Typical Streetscape Existing Conditions Segment Plans


Conceptual Plan for Town Gateway Improvements


The Town of Methuen was awarded a HUD-funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) directed toward improvement/ rehabilitation projects within Methuen's Arlington Neighborhood.  As a part of this grant, Thomas Mayo Associates and RCT Associates, economic and community development consultants, undertook design, development and implementation of a Commercial Revitalization Program for the Arlington Neighborhood, consisting of public street­scape improvements, facade improvements/design guidelines, commercial rehabilitation loan leveraging and technical assis­tance to commercial business owners.


Thomas Mayo Associates was responsible for developing conceptual designs with neighborhood input, and preparing final designs, construction documents and cost estimates for public streetscape improvements along Broadway (Route 28) the major commercial street within the Arlington Neighborhood.  TMA was also responsible for developing the facade improvement program and design guidelines for the district, and for providing design assistance to over fifteen businesses for facade and commercial rehabilitation/upgrade projects.


Arlington Neighborhood Recommended Streetscape & Neighborhood Improvements Plan






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