Arlington Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements

Methuen, Massachusetts





As a component of Methuen's CDBG-funded Arlington Neighborhood Revi­talization Pro­gram, Thomas Mayo Associates was responsi­ble for the design and implementa­tion of Pub­lic Street­scape Im­provements along Broadway (Route 28), the major com­mercial street in the Arlington Neighborhood of Methuen.  Con­ceptual designs were devel­oped based on surveys of existing condi­tions, analysis of traffic and parking pat­terns, pedestrian movements and visual character of adjacent properties; the plans were developed and refined with direct involvement of abutting business and prop­erty owners, as well as Town Officials.


TMA prepared construction plans and speci­fications for all components, including curbs, sidewalks, special granite paving areas, streetscape elements and furniture, lighting and landscaping. At the southern end of Broadway, at the entrance to Meth­uen from Lawrence, a town entry sign was included and a wood fence to screen the adjacent used car storage yard.  TMA also provided construction monitoring services to guide the project through to a success­ful completion.










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