Housing for the Elderly (Conceptual Design)
Milford, Massachusetts




This design submission for sixty-five units of elderly housing proposed an organization in which the buildings are arranged around a structured open space and have considered relationships to it, to each other, and to the residential neighborhood in which the site is located.  The majority of the wood frame, clapboard housing units are set parallel to the streets with front yards in the required setbacks to reinforce the surrounding housing pattern.  The building mass is broken into smaller elements, each of which are given individual identity and street presence through the use of gabled facades.  The remainder of the housing units are located at the center of the site flanking the offices, laundry, and community facility.  The village green captured between the buildings provides a controlled, sheltered area for community socializing and specific activist to enliven the space have been incorporated into its design.  Taken as a whole, the design respects the character of the neighborhood at its edges while recognizing the special needs of its occupants at the site interior, and weaves the two together into a coherent order.








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