Slater Estates- Housing for the Elderly

Webster, Massachusetts











TMA was retained by Rural  Housing Improvements, Inc. and Community Builders, Inc., co-sponsors for this $3.4 million residential project financed  under  the HUD 202 Program.  The facility contains 70 units of housing for  the elderly, including 7units for physically handicapped residents, and community spaces.


The project shares a site with the historic Slater House in Webster, Massachusetts, and is surrounded by some fine examples of 18th century mill-worker housing.  Sensitive to the historic nature of the site, TMA designed the building utilizing a series of gabled dormers reflecting the rhythm of the nearby mill housing.  Several design features were used to visually reduce the scale of the building and give it a character more appropriate to the surrounding neighborhood, yet still stay within the strict federal cost containment guidelines of the HUD 202 Program.  The height of the three story building was reduced by lower the roof eave line and utilizing roof windows in the bedrooms of the top floor; the middle portion of the roof was also flattened, reducing unnecessary height, and providing a place for mounting rooftop HVAC equipment out of normal sightlines.  The structural system takes advantage of the repetitive nature of the design, utilizing modular wall panels and prefabricated floor and roof trusses.


The confines of an extremely tight site dictated the “T” shape floor plan; this worked in the project’s favor by breaking up the mass of the overall structure and providing a natural public/private space division within the building.  The site also contains a meandering stone-dust pedestrian path, which doubles as an emergency access road for fire trucks, landscaping and parking area.



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