Auburn Housing Authority/Special Needs Housing

Auburn, Massachusetts







Thomas Mayo Associates / Architects & Urban Designers are the Architects for this 167 Special Needs Housing project sponsored by the Auburn Housing Authority as part of a 4.5 million dollar multi-component project financed through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Communities & Development (EOCD). The project consists of the construction of a new two-story home for eight special needs tenants, as well as space for supervisory staff.  The first floor is designed to be barrier free.  Construction is wood-framed structure with prefabricated wood floor and roof trusses and concrete slab on grade. Total building area is 5,394 square feet. Associated site work for the project includes rock removal, re-grading, landscaping and site improvements, upgrading of the access road, and construction of a cul-de-sac for fire truck turn around.





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